2024 Seed Progress

All the seeds that were started on Feb 14th are doing great. Every variety germinated except for the cone flowers. I was very surprised how quickly they all started to poke through the soil, this is the fastest growing seedling year that I’ve had. I am the most excited about the Lavendar and the Germaniums. Brian has asked for more color on the patio and within the garden this year so I have many more variety of flowers with an assortment of colors planned for this year.

Celery was started on Feb 15th, pictures were not part of the original set. I soaked the celery seeds for 24 hours on the counter, then put them in the refrigerator for 24 hours then planted them into the soil. They took 8 days to start poking through the soil.

Cauliflower was started on Feb 28th. Also on this day I transplanted the Broccoli and Germanium seeds into 15 section trays. Next year both of these seeds, along with everything else that I started except for the onions, should be started in separate seed sections versus one large container. The Broccoli seedling stems are fragile, and I found myself snapping many in half while trying to move them. I ordered more sectioned seed trays from MIGardner, they should arrive later this week, as I am out of sectioned trays and still have many seeds to start. I have a limited amount of space in the seed starting closet so need to do a better job of only starting the amount of seeds, plus just a couple spares, based on what I have space for in the garden.

Pictures from today 03/02