Get’n Healthy Wk 6

Week 6: February 4 to February 10

Last week was a rough week, however I only gained back 0.4 pounds. We had a lot of changes at work and school is getting more challenging. Brian starts school again tomorrow so the next four months will be hectic however I am committed to eating healthy and getting my body into shape.

On Sunday Feb 4th I did a little prepping for the week. I made some deviled eggs and ham pickle roll ups. I have a beef roast in the crock pot for later this week. I cleaned up some grapes. Thawed some mixed berries. Cut up a bunch of vegetables and made some dill dip. I think next week I am going to try to plan on either Saturday or Sunday to be a prep day and do more prepping for the week dinners. Between work and school for all three of us our nights will not leave much for extra time so I am hoping if I can prep more meals ahead of time. Life will then be less stressful; less stress will lead to better decisions.

February 4

  • Earl gray black tea w/ honey
  • 3 cups water
  • 2 ham roll ups 3 deviled eggs
  • 3 cups water
  • Meatballs w/ left over brussels sprouts and boiled potatoes w/ butter

February 5

  • Coffee w/ caramel syrup and whole milk
  • Banana
  • 3 Cups water w/ Mio
  • Overnight oats w/ mixed berries
  • Green tea w/ elderberry w/ a packet of stevia
  • Celery and Carrots w/ dill dip
  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia and whole milk
  • Beef roast w/ roasted red potatoes and carrots
  • Grapes

February 6

  • Black tea w/ a packet of stevia
  • Banana
  • 3 Cups water w/ Mio
  • Southwest Salad w/ Chicken from Panara
  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia and whole milk
  • 3 Cups water w/ Mio
  • 2 Low carb shell tacos

february 7

  • Coffee w/ caramel syrup and whole milk
  • Banana
  • 3 Cups water w/ Mio
  • Overnight oats w/ mixed berries
  • 4 Left over meatballs w/ roasted potatoes and carrots

february 8

  • Coffee w/ caramel syrup and whole milk
  • Banana
  • Carrots, Celery w/ dill dip
  • Chicken pot pie soup

February 9

  • Coffee w/ caramel syrup and whole milk
  • Lemon yogurt w/ Blueberries and homemade granola
  • 2 meatballs w/ a side of boiled potatoes
  • ICEE water
  • Ribeye steak with roasted cauliflower, broccoli and carrots

February 10

  • Coffee w/ caramel syrup and whole milk
  • A handful of grapes
  • 3 cups water w/ lemon
  • Supreme Salad

DOWN Another 1 pound for a total 10.8