Get’n Healthy Wk 7

Week 7: February 11 to February 17

Last week was better than the previous week however life as become rather stressful as predicted. Brian and I are both taking 3 courses this semester. Brian only has 2 more semesters (after this semester) to obtain a bachelor’s degree in biology with a GIS Certificate, so is taking ‘senior’ level courses. I decided that after 6 years from completing a bachelor’s degree with a double manager in Operations Management and General Management that I would go back to school and work towards an associate degree in accounting.

After the previous week’s 0.4-pound gain I am down 1 pound bringing the six-week total loss to 10.8 pounds.

I was able to do a little prep for the week on Sunday. I cut up veggies, made some healthy oatmeal blueberry muffins and a broccoli salad. I did not prep as much as I would have liked however I focused on getting ahead on homework, so I am available for other stuff this week. I still have some assignments due during the week but not as many as last week, since I am a couple days ahead of due dates.

February 11

  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia and whole milk
  • 1/2 cups grapes
  • Black beans, corn in tomatoe sauce with taco seasoning over brown rice with cheddar cheese and sour cream
  • ICEE Water
  • 2 Oatmeal blueberry muffins

February 12

  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia and whole milk
  • 2 Oatmeal blueberry muffins
  • 3 Cups water with Mio
  • Broccoli salad
  • Ground beef, cabbage, onions, green pepper skillet cooked with bacon fat, soy sauce and beef broth
  • 3/4 ICEE Water

February 13

  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia and whole milk
  • 1 Oatmeal blueberry muffin
  • 3 Cups water with Mio
  • Broccoli salad
  • 3 Cups water with Mio
  • Hot chocolate
  • Broccoli Salad
  • Taco Salad

February 14

  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia and whole milk
  • 3 Cups water
  • Broccoli salad
  • 2 Oatmeal blueberry muffins w/ butter
  • 3 Cups water
  • Beef Roast w/ roasted potatoes and carrots

february 15

  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia and whole milk
  • 3 Cups Water
  • Side salad w/ onion, green pepper, carrots, avocado, cheese, tomatoes, thousand island dressing
  • 3 Cups Water
  • Andouille sausage w/ cabbage and potatoes

February 16

  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia and whole milk
  • 3 Cups Water
  • 1 Oatmeal blueberry muffin
  • 2 Oranges
  • Cheeseburger salad
  • 1/2 ICEE Water

February 17

  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia and whole milk
  • 1 Oatmeal pineapple, mango, coconut muffin
  • 1/2 ICEE Water
  • A few cheese curds
  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia and whole milk
  • Ham with a side of roasted cauliflower

DOWN Another 1.8 pounds for a 7 week total of 12.6