Get’n Healthy Wk 8

Week 8: February 18 to February 24

I am feeling good after losing 1.8- pounds last week. I have been intentional about eating and staying busy to avoid boredom eating. I am enjoying adding in vegetables and beans into more meals that ever before.

Sunday I am prepping again so early this week isn’t so hectic with household items. The house is clean, all laundry is done. I have a beef roast in the crock pot and will be making meatballs and chili later today for our meals 3 days this week. We always have tacos on Tuesday, I could probably cook up the meat early to save time but am just now thinking about that. 🙂 I made more oatmeal muffins yesterday and put them in the freezer so have quick breakfasts for the week. Brian was asking for deviled eggs, ham roll ups and BBQ smokies yesterday so I am working on making some deviled eggs today. I am not going to make the ham rolls ups or BBQ smokies as I also made up a chickpea mediterranean salad yesterday that we can snack on. As I continue to prep on Sunday’s I expect that I will get better at it from planning, grocery shopping and cooking.

My goal is this week is to lose 1 to 2 pounds before our ‘reward’ day on Sunday. I am going to do a better job planning the reward day so I don’t have an upset stomach by mid day.

February 18

  • Coffee w/ whole mile
  • 1 Oatmeal muffin with coconut, mango and pineapple
  • 3 Cups lemon water
  • Chickpea, cucumber, tomato Mediterranean salad
  • 5 Cups lemon water
  • 4 Meatballs w/ french fries

February 19

  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia and whole milk
  • 2 Oatmeal muffins with coconut and blueberries
  • 3 Cups water w/ Mio
  • 2 Slices of jalapeno cheese sausage, 2 slices of cheddar cheese, 3 halves of deviled eggs
  • 5 Cups water w/ Mio
  • Chili with a dollop of sour cream

February 20

  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia and whole milk
  • Earl gray black tea with a packet of stevia
  • Oatmeal muffin with coconut and blueberries
  • 3 Cups water w/ Mio
  • 2 Slices of jalapeno cheese sausage, 2 slices of cheddar cheese, 4 halves of deviled eggs, 2 Claussen pickle spears
  • Taco Salad

February 21

  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia and whole milk
  • 2 Oatmeal muffin with coconut, mango and pineapple
  • Earl gray black tea with a packet of stevia
  • Carrots, Peppers w/ dill dip; 4 slices of jalapeno cheese sausage
  • 3 Cups water w/ Mio
  • Beef roast w/ side of roasted potatoes
  • 1 Cup whole milk

february 22

  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia and whole milk
  • 1/4 ICEE water
  • 2 Bananas
  • 1/2 Cup Coffee w/ a packet of stevia and whole milk
  • Denver omelet w/ side of potatoes and a dallop of sour cream

February 23

  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia and whole milk
  • 2 Bananas
  • 1/2 Cup Coffee w/ a packet of stevia and whole milk
  • 2 Oatmeal muffin with coconut, mango and pineapple
  • Left over Denver omelet w/ potatoes and a dallop of sour cream

February 24

  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia and whole milk
  • Honey crisp apple
  • Red Beans, Beef sausage and rice

DOWN Another 2 pounds for a total of 14.6 in 8 weeks