Month 3 Get’n Healthy Wk 9

Week 9: February 25 to March 2

I have very happy with the 2 pound loss last week, week 8. The first month I lost 9.8 the second month I lost 4.8, for a two month total of 14.6. I always lose more the first month of different eating patterns then slow down after. The longest I ever stuck to a ‘diet’ was when I did Keto about five years ago and I strictly stayed on it for four months, hopefully I can stick with this healthy eating plan for longer than four months, ideally the rest of my life. The ‘reward day’ every four weeks, I believe, will help me stay away from the sugary and snack foods long term.

I did not get a chance to do any prep this weekend. Brian and I had an overabundance of homework to work on this weekend. The beginning of this week is going to be stressful; I have a test on Monday and Brian has a quiz due Monday, homework due Tuesday and two tests on Wednesday. The good news is that Brian dropped the GIS course which was proving itself to be challenging to succeed in. The material itself was interesting, the technology and the fact that he could only do the lab work in the classroom, which is a 30-minute drive away was not ideal for an adult student. He can now focus on his two other classes which are part of his major, the GIS class would have been going towards an added certificate which is not needed to graduate next year.

February 25 – REWARD DAY

  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia and whole milk
  • Glazer donut from Kwik Trip
  • 16 oz Coke Cola
  • 1 bowl of Funyans
  • 1 bowl of Doritos
  • 3 HI Chew strawberry candy
  • Cheeseburger on a bun w/ french fries
  • Strawberry Charleston Chew

February 26

  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia and whole milk
  • 2 Oatmeal muffins with coconut and mixed berries
  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia and power non dairy creamer
  • 2 Slices Keto bread, 2 hard boiled eggs, 1 T butter
  • 3 Cups water w/ Mio
  • Unstuffed Peppers
  • 1/2 ICEE Water

February 27

  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia and whole milk
  • 1/2 cup coffee w/ honey and whole milk
  • 2 Oatmeal muffins with coconut, pineapple and mango
  • 2 Slices Keto bread, 2 hard boiled eggs, 1 T butter
  • 3 Cups water w/ Mio
  • Taco Salad

February 28

  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia and whole milk
  • 2 Slices Keto bread, 2 hard boiled eggs, 1 T butter
  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia and whole milk
  • 3 Meatballs with a side of boiled potatoes w/ butter and sour cream
  • 1 packet of organic fruit snacks

February 29

  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia and whole milk
  • 3 Cups water w/ Lemon
  • Broccoli salad
  • Left over boiled potatoes w/ butter and sour cream
  • 1/2 ICEE water
  • Roasted Chicken with a baked potato with sharp cheddar cheese, sour cream and butter

March 1

  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia and whole milk
  • Broccoli salad x 2
  • Garlic Parmesan pulled pork with french fries
  • 1/2 ICEE Water
  • 2 Packs organic fruit snacks, 1 mixed berry fruit strip, 1/2 cup vanilla ice cream with strawberry & chocolate syrup

March 2

  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia and whole milk
  • Sirloin Steak w/ a side salad