Month 3 Get’n Healthy Wk 10

Week 10: March 3 to March 9

I gained 0.2 pounds last week, which was not surprising based on having the reward day on Sunday and the snacks I was eating towards the end of the week. This also happened after the first four weeks, which is fine. This getting healthy journey is for the long run, not a fad quick diet. I am still not measuring anything or tracking calories, fat, etc. I am more or less focused on eating healthier, feeling better and getting rid of the foot pain.

I was not able to prep food again this weekend. Age of Empires IV along with homework had me distracted and too busy. We don’t have any tests this week or major stressors so making dinner each night should not add extra challenges, we should be able to stay on track with cooking all meals from scratch. I don’t have a great plan for meals this week however I am committed to eating healthy and staying on track.

March 3

  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia and whole milk
  • 2 fried eggs w/ bacon (Went to mom’s for breakfast)
  • Chicken Salad w/ the left over roasted chicken, red onions, celery and mayo
  • Cabbage, potatoes and beef sausage made with chicken broth, onions and a drizzle of dijon mustard
  • 1/2 ICEE water
  • 3 Fruit strips

March 4

  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia and whole milk
  • 2 Oatmeal muffins w/ mango and pineapple
  • Honey crisp apple
  • Carrots w/ dill dip
  • 6 Cups Water
  • Left over cabbage, potatoes and beef sausage
  • 1/2 ICEE water
  • 3 Fruit strips

March 5

  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia and whole milk
  • 2 Mixed berry oatmeal coconut muffins
  • Mango decaffeinated tea
  • Salad – iceberg lettuce, carrots, peppers, sharp cheddar, thousand island dressing
  • Chi decaffeinated tea
  • 3 Cups Water
  • Taco Salad
  • 2 Fruit strips

March 6

  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia and whole milk
  • 2 Mixed berry oatmeal coconut muffins
  • Mango decaffeinated tea
  • 3 Cups Water
  • Cabbage, lettuce, cheese with Asian dressing
  • Taco Salad
  • 2 Fruit strips

March 7

  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia and whole milk
  • 3 Scrambled eggs made with 1 tablespoon of parmesan cheese
  • BLT Salad with homemade ranch dressing (6 slices of bacon)
  • 1/2 ICEE Water

March 8

  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia and whole milk

March 9

  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia and whole milk