Welcome back Keto: Week 14

Week 14: March 31 to April 6

The first few days back on Keto were a little rough, I had mild ‘flu’ symptoms which is common when someone starts the Keto diet. I tried to get ahead of the ‘flu’ symptoms by taking both potassium and magnesium supplements however I still felt a little nauseous and had mild body aches. By day 5 or 6 I was not feeling the achy symptoms anymore and began to feel energized and focused. I have also been taking a vitamin D supplement for about a month and recently added a Calcium supplement per the recommendation of my Doctor.

For week 13, the first week back on Keto, I am down 3 pounds from the previous week. It feels great to get over the plateau that I was stuck at for month 3. I know continuing to lose 3 pounds a week is not realistic nor is it healthy. I may have the same loss this week but then it will slow down just like the first 12 weeks this year. The same slow down and plateau occurred five years ago when I first went on a Keto diet. I am going to try to keep in my mind that this happens and to not get discouraged but rather take positive steps to increase activity to overcome the next plateau.

I am making a Keto Crustless Cheesecake today to have as a snack for the next several days. I am also planning on hard boiling some eggs and making ham/pickle/cream cheese roll ups to have quick snacks in the refrigerator to keep on track. I stopped by the meat truck yesterday and purchased some pork breakfast sausage links, stewed meat, new york strip steaks and a couple skirt steaks for meals the next couple weeks. The meat truck is from a local farm that has grass feed cows and drives into the city once per week to sell their meat. The cost is very comparable to the local grocery stores however the meat is soooooo much better.

March 31

  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia, 1 T HWC, 1 T Butter, 2 Scoops of Keto Collagen w/ MCT and Acacia Fiber
  • 2 Slices Keto bread w/ egg salad
  • 2 Slices of Bacon
  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia and 1 T HWC
  • Keto Italian beef with Cabbage w/ Cheddar Cheese and sour cream
  • Keto Lemon Cheesecake

April 1

  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia, 1 T HWC, 1 T Butter, 2 Scoops of Keto Collagen w/ MCT and Acacia Fiber
  • 1/4 Cup Postachios
  • 2 Ham Pickle cream cheese roll ups
  • 2 Slices Keto toast with butter and an Avocado
  • 6 Cups Water
  • Keto Crack Chicken
  • 3 Breakfast sausages
  • Keto Cheesecake w/ Blueberries

April 2

  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia, 1 T HWC, 1 T Butter
  • 3 Cups water
  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia, 1 T Butter
  • 3 Sausage links
  • 3 Cups water
  • 1/2 Slice cheesecake w/ 1/4 cup blueberries
  • Taco Salad

April 3

  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia, 1 T HWC, 1 T Butter, 2 Scoops of Keto Collagen w/ MCT and Acacia Fiber
  • 2 Slices of Keto bread, 1 T Butter, 2 Hard boiled eggs
  • 3 Cups water
  • Left over ground beef w/ cabbage with 1 T butter
  • Chicken cordon blue – Chicken breast, 1 slice deli ham, 2 slices swiss cheese
  • 1 ICEE water
  • 1/4 Cup pistachios

april 4

  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia, 1 T HWC, 1 T Butter
  • 3 Cups water w/ lemon
  • 2 Slices of Keto bread, 1 T butter, 1 Avocado with garlic salt and pepper
  • 3 Cups water w/ lemon
  • 1 Sugar free lime jello w/ zero sugar reddi wip
  • Crustless pizza – homemade pizza sauce, onion, pepper, pepperoni, mozzarella, banana peppers, parmesan cheese
  • 24 Oz diet Faygo cola soda

April 5

  • I am going to try to do a 16/8 fast starting today. Instead of drinking my Keto coffee first thing in the morning I will have tea instead, this is allowed on a fast as it has no caloric value nor does it have substances that change insulin levels. My goal is to fast from 7 pm to 11 am.
  • 2 Cups green tea – constant comment
  • I only made it to 09:45 before I was starving…. 4 Eggs w/ 2 slices keto toast
  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia, 1 T HWC, 1 T Butter
  • Cheeseburger salad – 2 burgers w/ cheese over a bed of lettuce, cut up dill pickles, made a dressing from mayo, ketchup, sriracha and paprika

April 6

  • Earl Gray black tea w/ stevia
  • 2 over medium eggs with 8 slices of bacon
  • Coffee w/ a packet of stevia, 1 T HWC
  • Vern’s WI string cheese – about 3-4 cubes
  • Beef stew meat and a salad – Beef stew meat cooked in beef broth and cream cheese with some seasonings. Salad w/ lettuce, green pepper, cucumber, cheddar cheese and Catalina dressing