About me

Married 25 years. 2 Children ages 25 and 15. Live in Wisconsin Zone 5

Coming soon… 

Why I want to become a homesteader

I started thinking more about life and death when I was close to turning 40 years old, in 2020. My thoughts could have been part of a mid-life crisis, or a combination of close family members passing away. I could not stop thinking about what I would be leaving behind for my children, both positive and negative. How much crap do I have in my house that the kids will have to take time out from their lives to sort through and decide what to keep, what to sell, what to throw away. What would they remember about me? Would they remember the good times, would they have a place that reminds them of me? Would they have the means to take care of me in old age or would I go into a home.

Why will it take 10 years

The plan started in 2020. So why 10 years, why not start right away, the answer is simple. We needed time to prepare and plan. Starting a homestead/farm is not cheap. It takes money to build infrastructure and time to learn self-sufficiency skills. We are city people, born and raised, we know nothing about growing our own food or raising animals. We do not have the capital to purchase land and we have debt that needs to be paid off.