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Week 9
Month 3 Get'n Healthy Wk 9
Week 9: February 25 to March 2 I have very happy with the 2 pound loss last week, week 8. The first month I lost 9.8 the second month I lost 4.8, for a two month total of 14.6. I always lose more the first month of different eating patterns then slow down after. The longest...
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2024 Seed Progress
All the seeds that were started on Feb 14th are doing great. Every variety germinated except for the cone flowers. I was very surprised how quickly they all started to poke through the soil, this is the fastest growing seedling year that I’ve had. I am the most excited...
First seeds of 2024-2 wk progress
Broccoli : Only took 2 days to start germinating 02/16 only took 2 days to start germinating. 02/17 three days in 02/18 four days in Poppy Flowers: these were cold stratified and had already sprouted before planting them in the seed starting soil 02/16 only 2 days...
Week 8
Get'n Healthy Wk 8
Week 8: February 18 to February 24 I am feeling good after losing 1.8- pounds last week. I have been intentional about eating and staying busy to avoid boredom eating. I am enjoying adding in vegetables and beans into more meals that ever before. Sunday I am prepping again...
Week 7
Get'n Healthy Wk 7
Week 7: February 11 to February 17 Last week was better than the previous week however life as become rather stressful as predicted. Brian and I are both taking 3 courses this semester. Brian only has 2 more semesters (after this semester) to obtain a bachelor’s degree...