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Feb 14 seeds started
The winter blues are starting to set in. I have been dreaming about summer so decided to start a handful of seeds a few days earlier than planned. Most aspects of gardening make me happy and give me a motivated feeling about the future. I trying something a little different this...
Week 6
Get'n Healthy Wk 6
Week 6: February 4 to February 10 Last week was a rough week, however I only gained back 0.4 pounds. We had a lot of changes at work and school is getting more challenging. Brian starts school again tomorrow so the next four months will be hectic however I am committed to eating...
Week 5
Get'n Healthy Wk 5
Week 5: January 28 to February 3 After 4 weeks I’ve lost 10.2 pounds. The pain in my joints has substantially reduced, I’ve had many days without any pain. I’ve not had any headaches above a pain level of 2, nor lasting more than an hour (I normally have at...
Week 4
Healthy Habits in January Wk4
Week 4: January 22 to 27 I accomplished my goal of losing 2 pounds last week, I am down 9.2 after three weeks of a healthier 2024. I did not drink 5 cups of water last week nor did we start exercising however I am still happy with the weight loss. I am finding myself hungrier...
Dough ingrediants
Pizza Dough
Today my sister called and asked if I could make her some pizza dough, she has tried to make her own on several occasions and it never rises. Of course, I will whip up a batch or two or three for her. I enjoy cooking, baking, etc. so I’ll take any opportunity to be in...